Retirement, Relocations, and MergersSell a Dental Practice 

Whether retirement is one month or ten years down the road, what you do today is what really counts. DG Transitions can help you plan a dental practice transition that could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars, improve your quality of life and allow you to retire years earlier, so you can greet your future with a smile.


What to Expect When Selling a Practice

Preliminary Analysis
Including preparation of an Opportunity Portfolio that showcases your practice.

We advertise available practice opportunities in multiple ways and formats to best address your individual situation.  We are available to show your practice to potential buyers.

Tax Planning
With DG Transitions you have the advantage of working with a dental CPA that understands the nuances of selling a dental practice in a tax-effective manner.

Determining an optimal asking price promotes interest and helps shorten market time.

Vetting the Buyers
We make sure that you are talking with well qualified buyers that have the resources to complete a purchase.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Contract Preparation and Review
DG Transitions makes sure all the necessary paperwork is moving through the proper channels in a timely manner.

Coordination with legal, insurance and financial professionals
To assure a smooth closing we keep in close contact with all parties involved in the transaction.

Retirement Planning
Coordinating with our sister company, Dental Wealth Advisors LLC, this critical piece of planning can be integrated into your overall transition design with future goals in mind.


Q: How long does a transition take?
Initial planning for a practice transition requires some forethought. We encourage you to contact us 3-5 years ahead of your desired transition date to have a complete valuation of your practice performed, If you are interested in planning out your financial future from now through transition and into a successful retirement you can never start too early!